Wednesday, October 23, 2013



NYCC 2013: Avengers Alliance Unveils Thor: The Dark World Spec Op

During the Marvel Video Games Panel on Saturday, Marvel revealed several new characters and gameplay additions for its hit "Marvel: Avengers Alliance." The announcements included:

War Machine-Iron Patriot"Marvel: Avengers Alliance" (Facebook Social Game): Marvel revealed a brand new Spec Op mission for the hit Facebook game, "Marvel: Avengers Alliance," featuring the heroes and storyline inspired by Marvel's "Thor: The Dark World" movie. In this mission, players journey to London and beyond in an attempt to stop Malekith and the Dark Elves from marching on Midgard. Heimdall joins the Avengers as the reward hero, while players can unlock a brand new version of Loki as the lockbox hero. Kurse rounds out the cast as the new Group Boss.

In the third chapter of Season 2, players will continue to unravel the mystery of the Circle of 8. Who is running the Circle of 8? And why are they doing ritual sacrifices? New villains the Kingpin and Sin make their debut, and Original Daredevil will be the Chapter Mastery reward.

Nightcrawler-SwashbucklerDuring the panel it was also revealed that the next PVP character reward will be Domino, while the new Lockbox reward following Loki will be Sabretooth.

"Marvel: Avengers Alliance" (Mobile Game): Marvel also revealed during the Marvel Games that the Android version of the hit mobile game will be launching via Google Play on November 21. In addition, it was also announced that Deadpool will be the reward hero for the next PVP season in the iOS version. In addition, players should stay tuned for the Punisher and Beast to soon be available for recruitment.

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